Discover innovative people and companies that are shaping the media world of tomorrow with XPLR: MEDIA in Bavaria.
25.09.23 Audio
Jacqueline Belle: “We Need to Give Women Self-Confidence”
19.09.23 TV & Streaming
Blauer Panther 2023: “Double Moderation Is The Great Art”
04.09.23 Marketing, Social Media
Annika Gerhard and Jason Modemann: How Media Reach Gen Z
29.08.23 Games, XR
Virtual Experiences – 9 Innovative XR Projects From Bavaria
17.08.23 Journalism, Marketing, Publishing
Premium Quarterly: “Beautiful And Smart At The Same Time"
07.08.23 Publishing, Social Media
Hugendubel: How A Bookstore Takes Off On TikTok
02.08.23 Film, TV & Streaming
Markus Thürstein: “Lack of Talent In Productional Professions”
24.07.23 Games