Audio shows are currently experiencing a brilliant revival in the form of podcasts. There is a podcast for every aspect of life and every topic one might be interested in, whether it is a political discourse, a lecture by experts, a comedy program, or even a broadcast about the media industry. We have listened to several podcasts and present you with the top six from Bavaria.
The Top 6 Media Podcasts from Bavaria
1. “Was Helden tun” (What Heroes Do) by Dominik Hoffmann
"The more you learn, the more you grow." This is the motto of Dominik Hoffman, founder of the W&V podcast (formerly LEAD DIGITAL) and its program "What Heroes Do." Dominik is a digital and media expert, but has proven to be, above all, an excellent listener. In his podcast, he talks to "digital scouts," creative bloggers, lateral thinkers, and entrepreneurs about the difficulties of finding a balance between economic value and social esteem.
Target group: Anyone looking to regain confidence and become more satisfied in this digital era.

Was Helden tun, Photo Credit: David Schmidt
2. “Alle Wege führen nach Ruhm” (All Roads Lead to Glory) by Joko Winterscheidt and Paul Ripke (ProSiebenSat.1)
"All Roads Lead to Glory" (Alle Wege führen nach Ruhm), or AWFNR, is not considered a classically media-referenced podcast, though it still warrants a place amongst our ranking. Nobody knows the entertainment sector better then Joko and Paul. The two friends created a career podcast for young professionals focused on open and unconventional discussions about their lives, the inventors of Instagram’s voice message system, and other unusual topics. The new season debuts in January 2020. In the segment "Better call Paul," Paul talks about the difficulties of choosing the right career, the use of high budget marketing, and the future of TV moderators.
Target group: Joko and Paul fans are in for a treat. And the rest of us can listen and learn about the inner workings of Generation Z entertainment
3. “PodCarsta” by Carsta Maria Müller
Social media is not a hype—it's a job. Podcaster Carsta Maria Müller aims to demonstrate this with her show PodCarsta. She talks to agency employees, influencers, and social media managers about the different aspects of social media. Best cases and professional challenges are as much a topic of conversation as time management and discrimination on Facebook or Instagram. Carsta Maria Müller’s PodCarsta is personally and socially beneficial instead of being economically advantageous. And as ProSiebenSat1’s social media team manager, she is a pro at luring a plethora of social media experts to the microphone.
Target group: Whether it is for a hobby or a profession, PodCarsta is the right place for all social media fans.

PodCarsta, Photo:
4. “Das Thema” (The Topic) by Vinzent-Vitus Leitgeb and Laura Terberl (SZ)
It is Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) for the ears. In their podcast "Das Thema" (The Topic), Vinzent-Vitus Leitgeb and Laura Terberl talk with Süddeutsche Zeitung journalists about background information and analyses. Depending on the weekly topic, discussions can tackle the political realm or the media sector.
Target group: The SZ research podcast is great for anyone who would like to take a look behind the scenes.
5. “Das Medien Magazin” (The Media Journal) by B5 Aktuell (BR Podcast)
Media power for the ears. "Das Medien Magazin" (The Media Journal) lives up to its name. From print and radio to TV and multimedia, the B5 Aktuell Podcast conveys diverse media knowledge. Throughout various episodes, experts discuss current media topics such as AI, streaming formats, and threats in journalism.
Target group: Those looking to learn about new and exciting media start-ups, how media reporting works, what digitization does to journalism, and the purposes of Blockchain.

Das Medien Magazin, Copyright: BR
6. “Quotenmeter: Der Medienpodcast” (Quota Meter: The Media Podcast)
Do younger audiences believe that private television belongs to the past? Should Netflix truly be excluded from the Academy Awards? Is Jungle Camp in reality a camp for depressed people? tackles current TV topics and can be considered the audible television of the era. Every week, a team of three experts discusses the TV industry’s most important trends and topics. Program recommendations and interesting guests from the TV industry also make an appearance on this entertaining podcast.
Target group: TV fans and audible TV program listeners.